Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Snow Fun

Abby and Syd enjoying the first real snow of the season.
My first snowman- Syd helped, Abby tried to destroy.  
Sydney was freezing-can you tell!
Sydney warming up after turning into a popsicle


Jen said...

I can't believe you guys got that much snow!! We got maybe and inch and a half.

How fun to build a snowman already!
I didn't believe the weather people saying it would snow and I didn't have any of the winter stuff pulled out yet. So of course I was pulling them out at 7 in the morning hoping we had all of the gloves still!!

Danielle Spangler said...

Gotta love that snow! Girls look like they had tons of fun. I love the fact that you can see the pumpkins in the background with snow on them...yet another sign that we live in Utah.